Who are Dvijas(twice born)?


God has made us to take birth in this world. What our saints and seers tells us about our birth is as Whatever a soul does in a body becomes as karma”. Good thing comes to us because of our good deeds or good karma and bad thing happens to one based on his bad deeds or bad karma. So whatever one does it come back as karma.

A Soul is born in this world with a little karma that it has committed so for in all its births. What type of karma one soul should take while in a particular body is decided by the God. This Karma is what is called as prarabdha karma. Based on this karma and by the will of God soul takes birth in a particular place, to a particular parents and at a particular time.

Without knowing about himself a man grows and lives. Time goes on. Lord of  Death (Yama) is also called Time in Tamil waits for a suitable time to come and take our soul from the body. When a man is living in the body God provides him with various means to realize him. This is God’s divine grace. If god does not bless us by showing us the means to realize him we can never know him.

Only few of the human beings try to realize him and these were the ones who have done lot of good deeds (good karma) in previous birth and who have gods’s grace. Even these people will first will follow the path of  Bhakthi yoga (Saraiyai), Karma Yoga (kiriyai) and Raja yoga (Yogam) and at the end if they have good karma will get a True Guru called SadGuru.

One who has got a SadGuru and Nyana Guru is really a lucky guy. Nyana SadGuru is one who tells about the “MeiPorul” and makes one to realize it. He is MeiGuru (Can be taken or called as True Guru”).

It is just not sufficient to know what is meant by MeiPorul(Truth).  One has to get deeksha from a Nyana SadGuru.  A person who has got Deeksha from a Nyana guru has the advantage to attain the Divine Wisdom. Such a person is called “Anma Saadhagan”. He is the one who can progress in the true path shown by the saints and seers.

A person will come under the direct monitoring of a seer if he has got Deekshai and who has got the divine consciousness in the pupil of his eye and does penance.

A seer takes care of him by giving Deekshai. Such a person is called “dvija”. Such a person is said to have been “born twice”. Du – means twice and Duvichan – born twice.

A person who takes the first birth in the mother’s womb and by the compassion and grace of a Nyana Sadguru he takes birth again in the subtle body. Guru deeksha is the other birth.

One who has taken birth again like this only can attain the divine wisdom or Nyana. Duvichan is not some one who has dead and has taken the birth again. Duvichan is called the disciple of a guru.

This is conveyed by Siddhar Agasthiyar as “Need to know how to born again”.

Jesus has told this in Bible as “One who doesnot take birth again will not be eligible to enter the Divine Kingdom”.

– Gnana Sarguru Siva Selvaraj Ayya – SagaKalvi Book

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